RCUWM Training and Capacity Building Committee Functions:

  1. Detecting requirements of training and capacity building for the target society to ensure desired outcomes
  2. Providing training and capacity-building necessities in a strategic, effective, and efficient manner and monitoring the correct implementation of them
  3. Monitoring and assessing data of training plans, and also managing knowledge and communications
  4. Developing and improving competencies of performers of projects in the water, wastewater, and energy sector and other stakeholders according to the RCUWM goals
  5. Developing and supporting the publishing of a potent mechanism of assessment and issuing the certificate for trained stakeholders
  6. Holding training workshops at national & international levels to the participation of media, NGOs, and other civilized groups in the water sector

RCUWM Training and Capacity Building Committee Members:

Dr. Abdollah Rashidi
Dr. Abdollah RashidiEnvironmental Engineering, water and wastewater treatment
The University of Shahid Beheshti, Director of Specialized Training Center
Mr. Hamid Reza Kashfi
Mr. Hamid Reza KashfiWater, Sanitation and Environment
Ministry of Energy
Dr. Abbas Akbarzadeh
Dr. Abbas AkbarzadehDesigning and implementation of water and wastewater treatment systems, Designing reverse-osmosis desalination systems and etc
Water Research Institute, Director of Center on Water and Wastewater Research
Dr. Saeed Morid
Dr. Saeed MoridWater resources management, Drought, Climate change, transboundary river basin and hydropolitics and application of RS and GIS in these contexts
Department of Water Engineering and Management, Tarbiat Modares University
Mr. Mohammad Ebrahimnia
Mr. Mohammad EbrahimniaWater resources management
Water Resources Management Company of Iran, director of public assemblies and financial supervision.
Dr. Seyed Mostafa Siadatmousavi
Dr. Seyed Mostafa SiadatmousaviOceanography and Coastal Sciences
Iran University of Science and Technology

RCUWM Training and Capacity Building Committee Secretary

Ms. Zare Zadeh
Ms. Zare ZadehWater Resources Engineering