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Ali Yazdani

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So far Ali Yazdani has created 33 blog entries.

8th Day of Workshop on “Integrated Watershed Management under Climate Change Conditions”

2024-11-25T09:16:51+03:3025th November, 2024|

On the eighth day of the training program “Integrated Watershed Management under Climate Change Conditions”, an important topic “Optimal Utilization of Reservoirs in Dams” is being held with the presentation of two papers from 4:30 AM to 12:30 PM at the Regional Center on Urban Water Management (under the auspices of UNESCO). Due to the fact that 50 percent of the country’s dam reservoirs are located in Khuzestan province, a number of colleagues from the Khuzestan Water and Power Organization are also participating virtually in today’s workshop.


fifth day of the educational program “Integrated Watershed Management under Climate Change Conditions”

2024-11-22T12:14:31+03:3022nd November, 2024|

Today, Friday, December 2, starting at 4:30 AM, training on the important topic of “Principles and Fundamentals of Rainfall-Runoff-Flood Modeling” commenced on the fifth day of the educational program “Integrated Watershed Management under Climate Change Conditions”. In this regard, a proposed model was presented in an exercise, and rainfall-runoff-flood modeling was implemented, with results extracted at the level of a watershed in the country. The Regional Center on Urban Water Management has planned to implement all the topics discussed in this course and other experiences related to “Integrated Watershed Management,” through a training […]

Workshop on “Integrated basin Management under Climate Change Conditions” is being held in Regional Centre on Urban Water Management (under the auspices of UNESCO)

2024-11-19T12:16:55+03:3019th November, 2024|

Today, November 19, from 4:30 am, the workshop “hydrological measurement and statistics in the Great Catchment Basin” and “the principles and foundations of land-surface processes” By conducting a pilot project on “the process of processing meteorological and geographic data” in line with the virtual training course of Kyoto University in Japan and the UNESCO IHP program entitled “Integrated basin Management under Climate Change Conditions” with the presence of representatives from Iran Water Resources Management Company, Iran Water and Power Resources Development Company، Water Research Institute and Yekom Consulting Engineering (Cashkan Basin Flood Management Consultant) was held at the Regional Center for […]

workshop entitled “Integrated Watershed Management under Climate Change Conditions”

2024-12-07T11:06:51+03:3018th November, 2024|

Kyoto University of Japan and IHP UNESCO program have organized a workshop entitled “Integrated Watershed Management under Climate Change Conditions”. It is scheduled to take 11 days from 18 to 28 November 2024 from 4:30 to 12:30 to be held virtually and online. Representative of the centre Dr. Naser Dehghanian is present in this scientific and practical course.

Publication: “Planning for Safe Wastewater Treatment:

2024-10-07T13:19:25+03:307th October, 2024|

The book “Planning for Safe Wastewater Treatment” has been translated and published by the Regional Centre on Urban Water Management. This essential resource addresses the challenges and management risks associated with wastewater treatment, emphasizing the importance of implementing safety measures throughout the wastewater management chain, including collection, treatment, and reuse. With the increasing need for effective public health strategies, this guide outlines a risk-based approach that assists policymakers and practitioners in enhancing wastewater safety.

Regional Training Workshop on Wastewater Reuse within a Circular Economy Context January 22-23, 2025, Tehran, Iran

2024-09-10T10:13:08+03:3010th September, 2024|

Regional Training Workshop on

Wastewater Reuse within a Circular Economy Context

January 22-23, 2025, Tehran, Iran

  1. Introduction

The Circular Economy is a model focused on the optimal use of resources, waste reduction, and material recycling, aiming to keep products and materials within the production and consumption cycle for as long as possible. Given the limitations of water resources, wastewater reuse has also gained significant importance as an element of the circular economy. With increasing pressure on freshwater resources and the consequences of climate change, the role of wastewater reuse in reducing the vulnerability of freshwater supply and treatment systems, enhancing community resilience to […]

Groundwater governance: lessons learned, challenges and solutions

2024-03-17T12:14:23+03:3017th March, 2024|

Regional Hybrid Training Workshop on “Groundwater governance: lessons learned, challenges and solutions” will be held on

April 23-24, 2024, Tehran, Iran.

In this Workshop Several University professors from Iran and other member states of RCUWM Governing Board will present their articles or country reports. These reports will be uploaded to the website of the RCUWM after conducting the workshop.


Memorandum of understanding between regional centre on urban water management (under the auspices of UNESCO) and national centre on strategic research on water and agriculture

2024-02-04T10:33:17+03:304th February, 2024|

Memorandum of understanding between the Regional Centre on Urban Water Management (under the auspices of UNESCO) and the National Centre for Strategic Research on Water and Agriculture

This memorandum of understanding has been signed and exchanged. The goals of this memorandum of understanding are as follows:

Transferring and developing science and technology and capacity building and enhancing the working environment of the water sector including water resources management, flood and drought utilizing new technologies via collaborating with international scientific societies, active presence in international meetings and facilitating introducing of research achievements and I. R. Iran […]

Regional Training Workshop on Implementation of Integrated Flood Management (IFM): lessons learned and challenges

2023-11-11T08:11:10+03:3011th November, 2023|

Regional Training Workshop on Implementation of Integrated Flood Management (IFM): lessons learned and challenges


1. Introduction

After successfully conducting 13th RCUWM Governing Board (GB) Meeting on 23 February 2023, it was decided that in line with the approved proposal about transferring experiences and technical knowledge in the field of integrated river management, a book entitled “Introduction to Integrated Flood Management (IFM)” which is extracted from technical publications of the Associated Program on Flood Management (APFM) – founded by WMO and GWP in 2001- has been compiled and translated in Persian and widely published. Integrated Flood Management (IFM) is a process that promotes an […]

Regional Workshop on Climate Change (Impacts and Adaptation)

2023-11-01T09:26:52+03:3028th October, 2023|

Regional Workshop on Climate change (Impacts and Adaptation) was held on 18-19 October 2023, Tehran, Iran. In this Workshop Several University professors from Iran and other member states of RCUWM Governing Board presented their articles or country reports. These reports will be uploaded to the website of the RCUWM as soon as possible.

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