RCUWM GB Meeting was held on 5th December, 2019 in Tehran with the participation of delegations from 16 countries including
Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Germany, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Switzerland, Syria, Tajikistan and Turkey
And international organizations including
UNESCO, UN Resident Coordinator and UN Offices in Tehran (UNESCO, UNDP, FAO, UN-Habitat), ECO, IsDB, JCCME and OWS
Accomplished Proposals
Proposal 1. Promotion of Public Awareness on Climate Change and Water-related Disasters (e.g. flood and drought) in the Region
Final Outcomes
7 state-of-the-arts motion graphics have been developed and could be downloaded in Arabic, English, Farsi, and Urdu. The key message is encouraging people to make small and minor changes to their daily behavior and personal habits.
Proposal 3. Regional Training Workshop on “Advances in Remote Sensing Application in Water Resources Management in Asia”, Muscat – Oman, 17-19 Feb. 2020
Final Outcomes
Around 60 participants from member states of RCUWM Governing Board, of whom 37% were female and from states including Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Germany, India, Iran, Iraq, Oman, Pakistan, and Turkey participated in this event. Also participants from Kuwait (Institute of Scientific Research) and Qatar (UNESCO Doha Office) attended this workshop.
The main objectives of this regional training workshop have been to:
- introduce recent developments in remote sensing information and satellite-based products (e.g. precipitation and soil moisture) as well as their applications,
- promote the exchange of experience and knowledge among participants and,
- discuss the development and application of the Decision Support System (DSS) using remote sensing information.