Date: March 2003- November 2004
In this report the demographic, economic and urbanization challenges of the region, as well as methodology and some preliminary results were presented.
Based on the analysis of these conducted studies, the following interventions should be addressed:
- Develop water demand management strategy and campaign;
- Improve wastewater collection and treatment systems;
- Encourage reuse and recycling of treated wastewater;
- Renovate or replace aging infrastructure by adapted systems;
- Install leakage detection systems in water supply networks and reduce UFW;
- Promote water conservation (e.g. reduce subsidies, promote block tariffs, install meters, public awareness);
- Improve solid waste management and encourage recycling;
- Create enabling institutional framework;
- Create enabling legal and regulatory framework;
- Carry out risk assessments for unpredictable events;
- Involve partners in planning, design, implementation, operation and management of urban infrastructure and services where appropriate.