17th December 2003
Tehran, Iran
Participating Countries and Organizations
- Bangladesh, Egypt, Germany, Iran, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Syria, Tajikistan, UNESCO, UNESCO-IHE, International Water Association (IWA), Wageningen University and Research Centr
- The organisational chart of RCUWM-Tehran was approved
- The proposed workplan and budget for the year 2004 was approved
- In addition to the proposed projects the two following specific projects were also approved to be implemented
- assessment of training needs in the region
- arsenic contamination of groundwater resources in Bangladesh
- It was agreed that all members would provide their written suggestions and confirmation of their contribution in the form of financial and or any other means of assistance to the Cetnre within a month of adjournment of GB
- A task committee would be appointed by the consent of the members of the GB to prioritize the Centre’s projects and financial implications.
As a side event, I.R. Iran signed three Memorandum of Understadings (MoUs) with Egypt (RCTWS), Tajikistan and Lebanon in the field of water industry.