5th December 2019
Tehran, Iran
Participating Countries and Organizations
- A) Members at State Level: 16 Representatives of Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Germany, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tajikistan and Turkey
- B) International Organizations: UTCO as the UNESCO DG representative and the representatives of international and regional organizations including UN offices in Tehran (UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP, FAO, UN-HABITAT), WMO (video message) along with IsDB
- C) Observers: Representatives of ECO, SDC, JCCME and Oman Water Society
- Reviewing the activities of the Centre during 2013-2019 as well as its future events and financial situation
- Receiving the member’s recommendations for their active presence in the projects of the Centre
- All of the participants of the board meeting supported the issue of having RCUWM’s agreement renewed with UNESCO due to its vast activities and outstanding achievements during the third six-year period of activities
Recent Posts
- Regional Training Workshop on Wastewater Reuse within a Circular Economy Context January 22-23, 2025, Tehran, Iran
- Groundwater governance: lessons learned, challenges and solutions
- Memorandum of understanding between regional centre on urban water management (under the auspices of UNESCO) and national centre on strategic research on water and agriculture
- Regional Training Workshop on Implementation of Integrated Flood Management (IFM): lessons learned and challenges
- Regional Workshop on Climate Change (Impacts and Adaptation)
First Governing Board Meeting18th May, 2002
Groundwater governance: lessons learned, challenges and solutions17th March, 2024