2th November 2008
Muscat, Sultanate of Oman
Participating Countries and Organizations
- Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Egypt, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Syria, Tajikistan, UNESCO, UNESCO-IHE, IWA, Wageningen University and Research Centre, UNW-DPC, INWRDAM
- All members were kindly asked to precisely follow up their commitments in due time
- It was suggested to have all of the GB members’ financial and technical contribution in at least one of the projects of the Centre
- The Strategic Plan for the 2nd five year activities of the Centre focusing on the financial resources, which was initially approved by the Executive Committee meeting held on 1th November 2008, was highly received and approved by the GB members
- The distinguished members of the 6th GBM presented their suggestions in concern with promoting the Centre’s activities as follows