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The International Workshop: Application of GIS and RS in Water Resource Management

2019-09-18T15:02:14+04:3018th January, 2011|

Date: 18-21 January 2011

Venue: Muscat, Oman

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Brazil, Germany, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Oman, Tajikistan

Number of Participants: 40

Number of Female Participants: 8 (20%)


  • Introducing the new scientific and technological concepts and tools to be used in drought management plans;
  • Sharing and exchange the latest knowledge and experience in the field of drought management mitigation strategies;
  • Introducing scientific and technological innovations, including the International Drought Initiatives.
  • Support the scientific researches in drought management

Trainers Workshop: Integrated Urban Water Management

2019-09-18T14:51:50+04:302nd August, 2010|

Date: 2 – 5 August 2010

Venue: Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, IDB, Ministry of Melioration and Water Resources- Tajikistan

Participating Countries/ Organization: Afghanistan, France, Iran, Pakistan, Serbia, South Africa, Tajikistan

Number of participants: 25

Number of Female Participants: 3 (12%)


IUWM is a set of tools and methods for analysis, design, construction, maintenance and managements of urban water components (as well as socio-economical) in their mutual interactions and interactions with other infrastructural systems and components and with the environment.

The principle objectives of this event are to support in solving water and sanitation problems in the region covered by RCUWM and beyond in order to comply with Millennium […]

Symposium: International Laws and Transboundary Freshwater

2019-09-18T14:48:24+04:3021st June, 2010|

Date:21-24 June 2010

Venue: Dundee, Scotland

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, England, France, Germany, Iran, Scotland, Tajikistan and some African countries

Number of Participants: 50

Number of Female Participants: 23 (46%)


  • Familiarizing the participants with international water laws and its role in promoting the rate of peace and safety in region
  • Addressing the participants on how to set International legal frameworks in planning and management of water resources, shared catchment areas and conditions of shared water resources usages
  • Making participants familiar with effective strategies in using shared water resources

Workshop: Capacity Development for Farm Management Strategies to Improve Crop – Water Productivity Using Aqua-Crop

2019-09-18T14:41:04+04:309th May, 2010|

Date: 9-12 May 2010

Venue: Kish, Iran

Organizer: RCUWM-Tehran

Participating Countries/Organizations: Iran

Number of Participants: 16

Number of Female Participants:


  • Teaching the applications of Aqua-Crop to participants for improving their skills on the use of strategic management of a farm to increase water productivity, home-bred production systems

Conference: Capacity Building in Urban Water Management under Water Scarcity Conditions

2019-09-18T14:38:44+04:3013th December, 2009|

Date: 13 – 15 December 2009

Venue: Muscat, Oman

Co-organizers: Ministry of Energy I.R. Iran, RCUWM-Tehran

Participating Countries/Organizations: England, Germany, Iran, Lebanon, Malaysia, Oman, Turkey

Number of participants: 65

Number of Female Participants: 25 (39%)


The conference aimed to gather the concerned parties to share their knowledge and experiences particularly in urban water managements to help in developing capacity of those who are in need. Different approached and techniques were explored and to reach better understanding of them. In addition, close relationship was enabled between the developers or practitioners of these techniques and knowledge exchange for those who are in need of them for current and future […]

Workshop: Challenges of Sustainable Water Use in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions under the Condition of Climate Change

2019-09-18T14:34:27+04:301st October, 2009|

Date: 28 September- 1 October 2009

Venue: Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, BMBF-Germany, Centre for Development Research, Republic of Uzbekistan

Participating Countries/Organizations: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Germany, India, Iran, Iraq, Oman, Pakistan, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

Number of Participants: 50

Number of Female Participants: 9 (18%)


  • Strengthening human resources and institutional capacity building to enhance awareness on global change issues
  • Familiarizing participants with demand management concepts and fair water allocation
  • To familiarize participants with structural and non-structural activities for sustainable water consumption
  • Familiarizing participants with climate change impacts on sustainable water use
  • Familiarize participants with concepts and technologies of water resources management for mitigating the impacts of water stress in […]

Workshop: Risk Assessment and Flash Flood Mitigation Strategies

2019-09-18T14:32:33+04:301st August, 2009|

Date: 10- 13 August 2009

Venue: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, ICHARM-Japan, HTC- Kuala Lumpur

Participating Countries/Organizations: Iran, Japan, Malaysia

Number of Participants: 40

Number of Female Participants: 2 (5%)


The main goal of this project was capacity development and the target group would be managers, decision makers and planners involved in natural water disasters management in arid and semi-arid regions of Asia and the Middle East. During this workshop, theoretical visions on the forming procedure of flash floods along with general information by considering the participants level on different managerial methods for these kinds of flood were presented.

Workshop: Integrated Flood Management

2019-09-18T14:30:58+04:3011th May, 2009|

Date: 11-14 May 2009

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, UNW-DPC, WMO

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Germany, Iran, Iraq, India, Oman, Pakistan, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

Number of Participants: 40

Number of Female Participants: 8 (20%)


This training workshop was developed by the World Meteorological Organization (through its Associated Programme on Flood Management) in cooperation with UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC) for flood-prone countries, cities, and communities, with the aim of scaling-up action on integrated flood management to contribute to a minimization of losses of life from flooding and to an efficient use of flood plain resources. This three-day course was designed to familiarize participants with […]

Data Bank of UWM Literature, Organizations and Human Resources in the Region

2019-09-18T13:31:07+04:301st January, 2003|

Date: January 2003 to December 2004


The main objective of the project was to prepare an informative platform to enable access to the most relevant source data about existing literature, institutions concerned, and professionals involved in the region. A data base has been developed based on available materials. The geographical area covered the states in Middle East and CIS countries.

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