Workshop: Challenges of Sustainable Water Use in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions under the Condition of Climate Change
Date: 28 September- 1 October 2009
Venue: Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, BMBF-Germany, Centre for Development Research, Republic of Uzbekistan
Participating Countries/Organizations: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Germany, India, Iran, Iraq, Oman, Pakistan, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan
Number of Participants: 50
Number of Female Participants: 9 (18%)
- Strengthening human resources and institutional capacity building to enhance awareness on global change issues
- Familiarizing participants with demand management concepts and fair water allocation
- To familiarize participants with structural and non-structural activities for sustainable water consumption
- Familiarizing participants with climate change impacts on sustainable water use
- Familiarize participants with concepts and technologies of water resources management for mitigating the impacts of water stress in […]