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Workshops and Technical Exhibition: Third Water and Wastewater Festival Operation and Maintenance Capabilities in Water and Wastewater Industry

2019-09-18T09:24:37+04:305th May, 2018|

Date: 5-9 May 2018

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, NWWEC

Participating Countries/ Organizations: France, Iran, Japan, Portugal, Spain, The Netherlands

Number of Participants: 1200

Number of Female Participants: 436 (36%)


  • Demand and Consumption Management
  • Emergency Management
  • Water & Wastewater Quality
  • Water and Wastewater Utilities
  • Smart Water Utility-distribution Management
  • Financing and Physical Asset Management

Technical Visit: “Non-Revenue Water”- Germany

2019-09-18T09:11:24+04:3030th April, 2018|

Date: 30 April -6 May 2018

Venue: Bilateral (Iran & Germany)

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, German Water Partnership

Participating Countries / Organizations: NWWEC and PWWEC

Number of Participants: 18

Number of Female Participants: –


  • Site visits and knowledge sharing

Technical Session: Safeguarding Water Resources in Semi-Arid Regions through Integrated Management on the Occasion of Seventh Asian G-WADI Meeting

2019-09-17T14:17:17+04:3026th November, 2017|

Date: 26-30 November 2017

Venue: Hyderabad, India

Co-organizers: RCUWM–Tehran, NGRI, Asian G-WADI Secretariat, National Institute of Hydrology, IHP Indian National Committee

Participating Countries/Organizations: China, France, Iran, India, Mongolia, Thailand, Uzbekistan

Number of Participants: 45

Number of Female Participants: 16 (35%)


To learn from the working experience in different agro-climatological regions and bring out a revised document embedded with improved and stochastic estimates under Climate Changed scenarios.

Participating in OIC Water Council as one of three Representatives from Asia

2019-09-17T14:47:55+04:3015th November, 2017|

Date: 15-16 November, 2017 

 Venue: Istanbul, Turkey

Organizer: OIC

Participating Countries/Organizations:  Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkey, and Uganda

Number of Participants: 60

Number of Female Participants:


Preparing a draft of executive proposal for ministerial meeting on these issues:

  • Cooperation in the field of water
  • Risks facing Member State’s water resources,
  • Supplying water security,
  • Impacts of climate change

Technical Visit and Training Workshop: Strom Water Vulnerability Management to Meet Water Security Challenges

2019-09-17T14:12:57+04:3015th October, 2017|

Date: 15-21 October 2017

Venue: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Co-organizers: RCUWM–Tehran, HTC KL, IWRM, NWWEC

Participating Countries: Iran, Malaysia

Number of Participants: 25

Number of Women Participants: 5 (20%)


  • Signing MoU
  • Negotiations on the future cooperation potential
  • Defining joint projects between RCUWM-Tehran and HTC – Kuala Lumpur
  • Negotiations with local authorities on familiarity, knowledge transferring and new interactions

Visiting water related projects and water facilities

Taleghan City Blue Plan

2019-09-17T14:19:49+04:301st September, 2017|

Date: 1 September 2017- Ongoing


  • Investigating the Role of Water in Urban Planning including: preparing guidelines to take in consideration the proposed water plan and specification to further revision of the Taleghan regional master plan
  • Organizing field visit with the technical assistance of Saint-Omer Region experts

Technical Meeting & Workshops: Water Security in Human Settlements: Responses to Water Scarcity”

2019-09-17T12:25:12+04:302nd May, 2017|

Date: 02-04 May 2017

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Organizer: RCUWM-Tehran

Participating Countries/Organizations: Managing Director and related experts in the field of workshop themes

Number of Participants: 600

Number of Female Participants: 289 (48%)


The most important outcome of this international event was a book in the field of successful experiences on sound urban water management practices and policies in arid and semi-arid countries. It included all the topics presented above and well discussed and elaborated during the Conference.

Invited authors determined by UNESCO and the Regional Centre on Urban Water Management (RCUWM-Tehran) was compiling and initially editing the chapters of this book and UNESCO/ Cambridge University Publication were responsible […]

GPR (Ground Penetration Radar) studies and survey of about 200Km. roads and passage networks in Tehran city for detecting potential cavities

2019-09-17T14:26:43+04:301st May, 2017|

Date: May 2017- September 2017


Tehran Engineering and Technical Consulting Organization (TETCO) has recently purposed to utilize and take benefit of Japanese road cavity investigation technic in Tehran City and plan to implement the road cavity inspection using Japanese Consultant. Thus, all survey and consultancy services, investigation and inspection of the road cavity by one leading- edge GPR device and two handy GPR devices and also related coring and borehole equipment is assigned to the Japanese Company called, CTI Engineering International Co. as a Consultant for 200 kilometers Tehran highways and street networks with an average width of 20 meters under the […]

Planning and coordinating training and capacity building in the field of research and development related to city management

2019-09-21T13:04:28+04:301st March, 2017|

Date: March 2017- November 2017


  • Planning the promotion of scientific and technical knowledge and updating the know-how of general and specialized personnel of the organization using domestic and international experiences
  • Capacity building in the field of research and development related to the
  • Organizations goals:
  • Upgrading the archive of documents qualitatively and quantitatively, increasing the efficiency of the library, documenting the projects and creating a general information and notification process for the organization’s achievements
  • Enhancing international technical cooperation, localizing and transferring successful experiences

Promoting International activities of the Water and Wastewater Affairs Ministry of Energy, I.R. Iran

2019-09-21T10:47:32+04:301st February, 2017|

Date: February 2017- Ongoing


By expanding communication between communities and governments in the international arena and the need for engagement to increase mutual understanding and establish legal frameworks for the expansion of relations, transnational and multilateral arrangements gradually emerged as a means to facilitate negotiations and tools for promoting regional and international institutional cooperation.

The main aim of this document is targeted and effective communication with transnational arrangements and participating

in regional and international events. This document is prepared and developed by the Regional Centre on Urban Water Management (RCUWM-Tehran) in close cooperation with Ministry of Energy Water and Wastewater Department and expresses the […]

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