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Technical Session: Urban River Restoration and Improvement on the occasion of Iran Hydraulic Conference

2019-09-18T09:50:44+04:3014th December, 2016|

Date: 14-15 December 2016

Venue: Qazvin, Iran

Co-organizers: RCUWM–Tehran, Iran Hydraulic Association, Qazvin University

Participating Countries/Organizations: Iran

Number of Participants: 60

Number of Female Participants: 23 (39%)


  • Providing the latest achievements in the field of hydraulic engineering, meeting the needs of the country’s water industry, paying attention to sustainable development indicators and addressing environmental issues

International Trainers Workshop: Capacity Building of Journalist Educators on Climate Change & Water Management using UNESCO Model Curricula

2019-09-18T09:52:29+04:304th December, 2016|

Date: 04 – 06 December 2016

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Organizer: RCUWM-Tehran

Participating Countries/Organizations: Journalists and Public Relations Experts

Number of Participants: 56

Number of Female Participant: 26 (46%)


  • Helping to improve the capacity of the media in water journalism in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkmenistan
  • Raising public awareness about climate change in general and water- related issues in
  • Acquiring 20 journalist educators the updated skills and techniques to train journalists and media professionals on new media competencies to report on Climate Change and water issues, with a focus on a powerful and instrumental role of the media in raising public awareness and social behavior change as […]

Technical Session: How to Improve Sanitation and Hygiene (Budapest Water Summit)

2019-09-17T15:40:26+04:3028th November, 2016|

Date: 28 November 2016

Venue: Budapest, Hungary

Co-organizers: RCUWM–Tehran, UNESCO, WHO

Participating Countries/Organizations:  France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Kenya and USA

Number of Participants: 150

Number of Female Participants: 45 (30%)


Discussion on developing, test innovative and low cost technologies such as water-free sanitation, to be applied in  urban area.

Development of a National Water Security Atlas to Support Sustainable Water Governance in Iran

2019-09-18T09:55:47+04:301st October, 2016|

Date: October 2016Ongoing


Water security is defined as sufficient, safe, affordable, and clean water to lead a healthy and productive life for all human beings, where communities are protected from floods, droughts, and water-borne diseases.

This project aims at bringing the concept of water security into practice to support sustainable water governance. In this methodological research, the complex concept of water security is measured by weighted indicators based on different socio-economic and environmental aspects of water such as livelihood, economy, health, environment, water-related hazards, and finally water diplomacy.

The results are presented in the form of a National Water Security Atlas (NWSA) […]

Technical Visit: Water and Wastewater Facilities, Public Relations Network

2019-09-17T15:48:32+04:3026th September, 2016|

Date: 26 September – 2 October 2016

Venue: Singapore, Malaysia

Co-organizers: NWWECR, CUWM- Tehran

Participating Countries/Organizations: Iran, Singapore

Number of Participants: 21

Number of Female Participants: 4 (19%)


The managers of the public relations offices of the Urban and Provincial Water and Wastewater Companies visited the water and sewage companies of Singapore in order improve their know-how about modern technologies in the field of water and wastewater industry as well as better knowing popular communication systems.

21 managers of public relations offices in different regions of Tehran City, Alborz, Qazvin, Lorestan, Kashan and Hamedan provinces visited Singapore›s Water and Wastewater Facilities as one of the leading companies in […]

Meeting: Fostering Collaboration between UNESCO in the Field and Networks towards the Agenda 2030

2019-09-18T10:11:48+04:3021st July, 2016|

Date: 21-24 July 2016

Venue: Bali, Indonesia

Organizer: UNESCO Jakarta Office

Participating Countries/Organizations: UNESCO Natural Sciences Senior Managers, UNESCO Natural Sciences Programme Specialists, MAB National Committees and representatives from BR networks, IHP National committees and Water stakeholders including IFI and IDI, UNESCO Natural Sciences Category 2 Centres and Water Chairs, UNESCO Jakarta Sciences project related partners in the region (JFIT, MFIT, and IFIT)

Number of Participants: 80

Number of Female Participants: 15 (19%)


Discuss and elaborate strategies for fostering dialogue, cooperation, networking and sharing knowledge as well as resources among the UNESCO field offices and its network to support the delivering of the Agenda 2030 and its […]

Development of a Grid-Based Precipitation Dataset for West Asia to Feed Climate Change Studies

2019-09-21T10:41:46+04:3016th July, 2016|

Date: July 2016- On-going


Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks (PERSIANN) is one of the popular satellite-based precipitation estimations which has three products in different spatio-temporal resolutions. In majority of cases, these data are used in policy making and therefore the users normally don’t have necessary technical capacity to work with these special file formats. Thus, a user-friendly precipitation database will be a great asset   in monitoring long-term climate patterns, particularly in studying the climate change patterns in arid and semi-arid areas of West Asia (including: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan) which lack this vital […]

Second Meeting: UNESCO World’s Large Rivers Initiative (WLRI) Working Group

2019-09-17T15:22:50+04:3027th June, 2016|

Date: 27-28 June 2016

Venue: Vienna, Austria

Organizer: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences of Vienna

Participating Countries/Organizations: River Experts from all over the world

Number of Participations: 30

Number of Female Participations: 15 (50%)


  • To create the knowledge base required for a holistic scientific assessment of the state of the World Large Rivers (WLRs)
  • To promote their integrated and sustainable management
  • To analyze the current state and the future development of the WLRs
  • To establish a platform to build, facilitate and harvest hydrological science synergies between countries and to provide education and training at technical and tertiary level
  • To develop innovative strategies for the […]

Fourth Governing Board Meeting: The International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC)

2019-09-18T11:01:31+04:3021st June, 2016|

Date: 21 June 2016

Venue: Federal Foreign Office- Berlin, Germany

Organizer: ICWRGC

Participating Countries/Organizations: ICWRGC, RCUWM-Tehran, ICWC– Sweden, ERCE– Poland and ICIWaRM

Number of Participants: 85

Number of Female Participants: 12 (14%)


  • Adoption of the minutes of the third Governing Board meeting
  • Thematic highlights of ICWRGC 2015/2016/1017
  • Regional Water Cooperation, Meeting IHP Region I, Koblenz May 2016
  • Cooperation and networking among Centres (MoU), Report of Meeting Cat 2 Science Centres, May 2016
  • IWRGC funding, third party funding and support by BfG administration


Twenty-Second Meeting: The Intergovernmental Council of the IHP of UNESCO

2019-09-17T15:50:31+04:3013th June, 2016|

Date: 13-17 June 2016

Venue: Paris, France

Organizer: UNESCO-IHP

Participating Countries/Organizations: UNESCO Water Family

Number of Participants: 85

Number of Female Participants: 27 (31%)


To review the progress on the implementation of the eighth phase of IHP (IHP-VIII), including regional perspectives on IHP and its cooperation with other UNESCO programme and, to examine the status of the UNESCO’s Water Family, which includes the UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, category 2 Centres and chairs under the auspices of UNESCO and the World Water Assessment Programme. [...]

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