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First Global Meeting: UNESCO’s Natural Sciences

2019-09-18T10:57:23+04:3016th May, 2016|

Date: 16-18 May 2016

Venue: Beijing, China

Co-organizers: UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office

Participating Countries/Organizations: UNESCO Water Family

Number of Participants: 86

Number of Female Participants: 31(36%)


  • Developing and information networking in the field of urban water management and drought mitigation strategies in the region

International Conference: Urban River Restoration

2019-09-17T15:10:04+04:309th May, 2016|

Date: 9 May 2016

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, Tehran municipality, Iran Water Resources Management Company

Participating Countries/Organizations: Germany, Japan, and South Korea

Participants: 930

Number of Female Participants: 405 (43%)


  • The relationship between city, citizens and rivers
  • Requirements and measures for urban river restoration and training and flood management
  • How to participate stakeholders and residents in river restoration projects
  • Presenting new approaches on urban river management and related experiences in Iran, Germany, Japan and South Korea

Non-Revenue Water (NRW)

2019-09-21T10:19:19+04:301st February, 2016|

Date: February 2016- March 2017

In the Islamic Republic of Iran, the National Water and Wastewater Engineering Company (NWWEC) controls the administration of the water supply. As a measure to mitigate water shortages, it encourages the reduction of non-revenue water (NRW) using its own technologies. However, due to the deterioration of aging facilities, the average percentage of NRW is still in excess of 25%.

The Government of Iran requested Japanese technical cooperation to deal with NRW in Khansar City in Isfahan Province. A survey was implemented to gather and analyze background information relating to the water supply sector in Iran, and to identify […]

Workshop: Value Engineering and Planning of Ecological Buffer in Urban Rivers

2019-09-21T10:01:30+04:3023rd January, 2016|

Date: 23-24 January 2016

Venue: Faculty of Environment, University of Tehran, Iran

Organizer: RCUWM- Tehran

Participating Countries/Organizations: RCUWM- Tehran, TETCO, University of Tehran

Number of Participants: 45

Number of Female Participants: 15 (34%)


  • Defining ecological buffer zones in urban areas
  • Introducing the role of value engineering and planning ecological buffer zones in urban rivers
  • Explaining objectives and necessities of holding the workshop on value engineering
  • Presenting ecological buffers and areas in the metropolitan area of Tehran in urban development projects
  • Evaluating the riverbed concept and instructions on determination of flood fringe
  • Reviewing international experiences on defining ecological buffer zones and related instructions
  • Presenting experiences on urban […]

Technical Visit: Water and Wastewater Facilities, Public Relations Network

2019-09-17T15:06:00+04:3022nd January, 2016|

Date: 22 – 29 January 2016

Venue: Singapore, Malaysia

Co-organizers: NWWEC, RCUWM- Tehran

Participating Countries/Organizations: Director Managers, Urban Water & Wastewater Public Relation Offices

Number of Participants: 18

Number of Female Participants: 2 (11%)


The third group included 18 experts and managers of public relations offices of urban and rural water and wastewater companies visiting Malaysia and Singapore’s the Water and Wastewater Facilities as the two leading countries in the water    industry.

The participants visited Pantai 2 Wastewater Treatment Plants, Smart Tunnel, Putrajaya Smart City, Lake and Wetland Management of Malaysia and University of Technology of Malaysia as well as Newaters Wastewater Treatment Plant, Marina Barrage Basin and […]

Technical session: River Technology for Innovation and Social System on the Occasion of WECC 2015

2019-09-18T10:10:40+04:304th December, 2015|

Date: 29 November-2 December 2015

Venue: Kyoto, Japan

Co-organizers: The Japan Federation of Engineering Societies, RCUWM–Tehran, Science Council of Japan, UNESCO, WFEO

Participating Countries/Organizations: China, Iran, Japan, Lebanon, South Korea, Taiwan, The Netherlands

Number of Participants: 50

Number of Female Participants: 17 (34%)


  • Providing an opportunity to discuss and exchange new information, technology and experiences associated with river technologies among the participants in the WECC 2015.

Training Workshop: Water and Media

2019-09-17T15:14:26+04:3016th November, 2015|

Date: 16-19 November 2015

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: UNESCO, RCUWM-Tehran, Iranian National Water & Waste & Wastewater Eng. Co. (NWWEC)

Participating Countries/Organizations: Germany, Iran, Japan, USA

Number of Participants: 150

Number of Female Participants: 35 (23%)


  • Promoting knowledge and awareness of journalists in the key issues on water and sanitation,
  • Recognition of existing capacity, and aligning it with the needs
  • Improving the quality and quantity of prepared papers regarding water- related issues
  • Strengthening the water news network to raise public awareness through collaborative working between the water sector and media

Seminar: Tehran River restoration and Training Master Plan, elaborating objectives and approaches

2019-09-18T10:48:46+04:3018th October, 2015|

Date: 18 October 2015

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: IUST, RCUWM-Tehran, TETCO

Participating Countries/Organizations: RCUWM- Tehran, TETCO, Ministry of Energy

Number of Participants: 80

Number of Female Participants: 27 (33%)


  • Introducing to objectives and approaches related to Tehran river restoration and training master plan
  • Presenting the latest progress of the mentioned master plan in three river restoration studies (Inception study and feasibility study)
  • Ensuring rivers and canals in terms of safe passage of flood
  • Improving urban ecosystem in ecological buffer area, social and awareness building on environmental issues and creating relationship between city, citizen and river
  • Restoring river flow regime qualitative and quantitative-wise and aquifers recharge
  • Stimulating […]

Training Workshop: Vacuum and Pressure Sewage Collection Network

2019-09-18T09:40:35+04:301st July, 2015|

Date: 1 July 2015

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: RCUWM – Tehran, NWWEC

Participating Countries/Organizations: Australia, Iran

Number of Participants:  35

Number of Female Participants: 7 (20%)


  • Discussing new technologiesin the field of vacuum and presure sewage collection networks and to transfer experiences from other parts of the world

Seminar: Sixth Asian G-WADI and First IDI Expert Group Meeting

2019-09-18T09:38:37+04:3013th June, 2015|

Date: 13-16 June 2015

Venue: Tehran and Isfahan, Iran

Co-organizers: UNESCO, RCUWM-Tehran, Ministry of Energy, I.R. of Iran, International Drought Initiative (IDI), Global Network on Water and Development Information for Arid Lands (G-WADI)

Participating Countries/Organizations: Afghanistan, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Oman, Pakistan, Serbia, Thailand

Number of Participants: 250

Number of Female Participants: 83 (33%)


  • Developing synergies between the two programmes of UNESCO, namely International Drought Initiative (IDI) and UNESCO IHP Programme on Water and Development Information for Arid Lands–A Global Network (G-WADI)
  • Developing activities within the framework of the IHP VIII (2014-2021) ‘Water Security: Responses to Local, Regional and Global Challenges’
  • Presenting advances in groundwater management […]
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