Date: 22 – 29 January 2016

Venue: Singapore, Malaysia

Co-organizers: NWWEC, RCUWM- Tehran

Participating Countries/Organizations: Director Managers, Urban Water & Wastewater Public Relation Offices

Number of Participants: 18

Number of Female Participants: 2 (11%)


The third group included 18 experts and managers of public relations offices of urban and rural water and wastewater companies visiting Malaysia and Singapore’s the Water and Wastewater Facilities as the two leading countries in the water    industry.

The participants visited Pantai 2 Wastewater Treatment Plants, Smart Tunnel, Putrajaya Smart City, Lake and Wetland Management of Malaysia and University of Technology of Malaysia as well as Newaters Wastewater Treatment Plant, Marina Barrage Basin and Public Relations and Customer service network (PUB) of Singapore.