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International Workshop: Customizing IWRM Guidelines for Water Security in Asia and the Pacific: Challenges and Opportunities for HELP and Eco-Hydrology

2019-09-21T13:22:29+04:3011th March, 2015|

Date: 11-12 March 2015

Venue: Jakarta, Indonesia

Co-organizers: UNESCO Office Jakarta, JFIT

Participating Countries/Organizations: Australia, China, France, Indonesia, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Serbia, and South Korea

Number of Participants: 200

Number of Female Participants: 56 (28%)


  • Signing 3 Memorandums of Understanding (MoU’s) to promote collaboration, cooperation and networking among three UNESCO’s Category II Water Centres, namely Humid Tropical Centre (HTC) Kuala Lumpur, Regional Centre on Urban Water Management (RCUWM-Tehran), and Asia-Pacific Centre for Eco-Hydrology (APCE)

International Expert Symposium: Coping with Droughts

2019-09-21T11:37:01+04:3019th November, 2014|

Date: 19-21 November 2014

Venue: Santiago, Chile


Participating Countries/Organizations: hydro-meteorological agencies of 14 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean

Number of Participants: 55

Number of Female Participants: 23 (41%)


  • Presenting the latest activities of the International Drought Initiative (IDI)
  • Exchanging on the state of art and knowledge gaps on drought information systems
  • Evaluation of the value of information and the effectiveness of existing information strategies from a stakeholder perspective
  • Developing integrated approaches towards effective drought risk management
  • Establishing a community of practice (research-institutions-policy) on drought management with the aim to develop solutions and proposals

Technical Seminar: Urban River Restoration, Reviewing Global Experiences

2019-09-21T11:35:52+04:3011th August, 2014|

Date: 11 August 2014

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, TETCO

Participating Countries/Organizations: Iran, Japan

Number of Participants: 80

Number of Female Participants: 20 (25%)


  • Reviewing global experiences in the field of river restoration

International Seminar: Use of Unconventional Water in Urban Water Management

2019-09-21T11:27:40+04:3024th February, 2014|

Date: 24-26 February 2014

Venue: Muscat, Oman

Co-organizers: Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources- Oman, RCUWM–Tehran

Participating Countries/Organizations: Australia, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Iran, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Pakistan, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey

Number of Participants: Around 100

Number of Female Participants: 20 (20%)


  • Presenting outcomes of new relevant research activities
  • Sea water desalination for urban water supply
  • Use of unconventional water in artificial aquifer recharge
  • Economic analysis of wastewater reuse
  • New methods and technologies in unconventional water use
  • Water Harvesting Technologies


International Seminar: Drought Management & Second International Drought Initiative Meeting (IDI)

2019-09-21T11:22:47+04:3014th May, 2013|

Date: 14-15 May 2013

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, UTCO

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Afghanistan, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, Oman, Pakistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan

Number of Participant: 170

Number of Female Participants: 45 (27%)


  • Addressing keynote speeches by representatives from international entities in the related fields of drought
  • Discussing and developing recommendations for scientific, technological and policy approaches, addressing drought issues.
  • Presenting a short report on activities and achievements of the interim secretariat of International Drought Initiative (IDI) since its establishment
  • Discussing and reviewing the IDI Road Map as well as investigating the ways of mutual cooperation in relevant fields

Regional Workshop: Climate Change and its Impacts on Water Resources

2019-09-17T12:43:35+04:3023rd November, 2011|

Date: 23-26 November 2011

Venue: Beirut, Lebanon

Co-organizers: RCUWM- Tehran, Ministry of Energy and Water- Beirut

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Iran, Lebanon

Number of Participants: 20

Number of Female Participants: 4 (20%)


  • Strengthening human resources and institutional capacity building and enhance public awareness of water resources issues and challenges
  • Familiarizing participants with climate change / variability concepts and modeling
  • Share and exchange the latest information and technology for mitigating the negative impacts of climate change / variability on water resources management
  • Providing the participants on opportunities to share their ideas and view- points

The International Workshop: Sustainable Water Use in Conditions of Climate Change

2019-09-18T15:05:54+04:3025th July, 2011|

Date: 25-27 July 2011

Venue: Izmir, Turkey

Organizer: Turkey

Participating Countries/ Organizations: India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Turkey

Number of Participants: 33

Number of Female Participants: 4 (12%)


  • Improving the understanding of impacts of climate change, adaptation and mitigation response options on water resources
  • Strengthening human resources and institutional capacity building to enhance awareness on global change issues
  • Familiarizing participants with climate change / variability concepts and modelling
  • Familiarizing participants with concepts and technologies in sustainable water use for mitigating the impact of water stress and climate change
  • Providing the participants on opportunities to share their ideas and view-points

International Workshop: Water and Sanitation Facilities in Disaster Situations

2019-09-18T15:04:35+04:3030th May, 2011|

Date: 30 May – 01 June 2011

Venue: Kish, Iran

Co-organizers: RCUWM- Tehran

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Bangladesh, India, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Tajikistan, Turkey

Number of Participants: 35

Number of Female Participants: 2 (5%)


  • Sharing disaster concepts in water and sanitation infrastructure and facilities in the region,
  • Experimental learning about existing practices and technologies related to disaster situations,
  • Identify disaster friendly technological options related to water and sanitation systems and their proper operation during disaster situations
  • Promoting public awareness on development and rehabilitation of water and sanitation facilities and management related to health issues
  • Integrating natural resources assessments under a decision-oriented framework
  • Impacts of climate change […]

Workshop: Capacity Development for Farm Management Strategies to Improve Crop – Water Productivity, Using Aqua-Crop

2019-09-18T11:14:27+04:3012th February, 2011|

Date: 12-16 February 2011

Venue: Ahwaz, Iran

Organizer: RCUWM- Tehran

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Iran

Number of Participants: 18

Number of Female Participants: 8 (45%)


  • Teaching the applications of Aqua-Crop to participants for improving their skills on the use of strategic management of a farm to increase water productivity and home-bred production systems

The International Workshop: Application of GIS and RS in Water Resource Management

2019-09-18T15:02:14+04:3018th January, 2011|

Date: 18-21 January 2011

Venue: Muscat, Oman

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, Ministry of Regional Municipalities and Water Resources

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Brazil, Germany, India, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Oman, Tajikistan

Number of Participants: 40

Number of Female Participants: 8 (20%)


  • Introducing the new scientific and technological concepts and tools to be used in drought management plans;
  • Sharing and exchange the latest knowledge and experience in the field of drought management mitigation strategies;
  • Introducing scientific and technological innovations, including the International Drought Initiatives.
  • Support the scientific researches in drought management

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