Date: 29 July– 1 August 2006
Venue: Karaj, Iran
Co-organizers: I.R. Iran, RCUWM-Tehran, UTCO, Ministry of Jihad- Agriculture, Toosab Consulting Engineering Company
Participating Countries/ Organizations: Austria, Afghanistan, Bahrain, France, Iran, India, Kyrgyzstan, Oman, Pakistan
Number of participants: 63
Number of Female Participants: 5 (7%)
The approach toward preparing and compelling groundwater models and new techniques for the groundwater investigations indicate that, a vast development has been made with the contribution of rapid growth of science and technology particularly in the field of computer and GIS techniques. At present, there are different methods and techniques, which are continuously being updated. In other words, application of such models has not been publicized and a big gap still exists between preparing and implementing these kinds of models in the field of groundwater managements. One of the main goals of holding the Training of Trainers workshop was to determine the application of these kinds of models and techniques, particularly in arid and semi-arid regions for the trainers to be used.