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Workshop: Groundwater for Emergency Situations

2019-09-18T14:16:30+04:3029th September, 2006|

Date: 29 September -31 October 2006

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: RCUWM- Tehran, UNESCO-IHP, UTCO

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Africa, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Iran, Pakistan, South Tajikistan, Turkmenistan

Number of Participants: 40

Number of Female Participants: 1 (2%)


  • Risk management of groundwater resources in emergency situations (floods, droughts and earthquakes)
  • Methods for investigation of groundwater resources for emergency situations
  • Institutional and technical capacities
  • Mitigation strategies of natural disasters (floods, droughts and earthquakes)

Workshop: Flash Floods in Urban Areas and Risk Management

2019-09-18T14:14:43+04:304th September, 2006|

Date: 4 -6 September 2006

Venue: Muscat, Oman

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, UNESCO, MRMWR- Oman, Inter-Islamic Network for Water Resources Development and Management

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Bangladesh, Canada, Finland, Germany, India, Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Pakistan, Syria, Turkey, UAE, and Yemen

Number of Participants: 63

Number of Female Participants: 3 (4%)


  • Flood management and information technology
  • Flood in Wadi and arid and semi-arid areas
  • Flash flood modeling methods and techniques
  • Urban flooding and risk management
  • Socio-economic and human health impacts of flash floods
  • Flash flood forecasting techniques
  • Flood management and mitigation options
  • Case studies

Trainers Workshop: Application of Models and New Techniques in Groundwater Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions

2019-09-18T14:12:32+04:301st July, 2006|

Date: 29 July– 1 August 2006

Venue: Karaj, Iran

Co-organizers: I.R. Iran, RCUWM-Tehran, UTCO, Ministry of Jihad- Agriculture, Toosab Consulting Engineering Company

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Austria, Afghanistan, Bahrain, France, Iran, India, Kyrgyzstan, Oman, Pakistan

Number of participants: 63

Number of Female Participants: 5 (7%)


The approach toward preparing and compelling groundwater models and new techniques for the groundwater investigations indicate that, a vast development has been made with the contribution of rapid growth of science and technology particularly in the field of computer and GIS techniques. At present, there are different methods and techniques, which are continuously being updated. In other words, application of such models has […]

Trainers Workshop: Urban Water Management

2019-09-18T14:12:56+04:3011th February, 2006|

Date: 11– 14 February 2006

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, UNESCO, UTCO, UNESCO- IHP, UNESCO- New Delhi Cluster Office, UNESCO- Cairo Cluster Office

Participating Countries/ Organizations: England, France, India, Indonesia, Iran, Jordan, Nepal, Norway, Pakistan

Number of participants: 25

Number of Female Participants:


  • To understand and master the principals of IUWM’s key linkages to and interactions with: governance, development activities, poverty reduction, sanitation and access to safe water, hygienic living conditions, quantity and quality of freshwater, environmental concerns, resources recycling, and terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
  • To provide the lead trainers with basic sets of educational and training tools in the key principals and themes of […]

Workshop: Innovations in Water Conservation

2019-09-18T14:06:31+04:301st February, 2006|

Date: 21- 23 February 2006

Venue: Tehran Water and Wastewater Company- Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: RCUWM- Tehran, UNESCAP, TPWW

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Germany, Iran, India, Indonesia, Oman, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen

Number of Participants: 57

Number of Female Participants: 5 (9%)


Procedures for effective use of water resources

Discussing about innovations in effective use of water resources

  • The following key issues were noted during the Workshop:
  • More efficient use of dwindling water supplies is a crucial strategy for stopping the unsustainable exploitation of water resources and de-linking economic growth from degradation of the aquatic environment,
  • Increased efficiency in using the current water […]

Third Technical Workshop: Innovations in Water and Wastewater Technology

2019-09-18T14:03:43+04:301st December, 2005|

Date: 28 November- 1 December 2005

Venue: Berlin and Dresden, Germany

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, BMBF- Germany

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Germany, Iran, Lebanon, Norway, Oman, Syria

Number of Participants: 48

Number of Female Participants: 12 (25%)


Demonstrating the equipment and operation of modern waterworks and urban sewage treatment plant as well as representative sections of the related water supply and sewer systems

  • Water Supply
  • Water Treatment
  • Wastewater Technology
  • Potable Water Treatment
  • Wastewater Treatment and Reuse
  • Mobilizing Financial Resources for Water Supply and Wastewater Plans

Tehran Water Conservation Demonstration

2019-09-18T14:01:15+04:301st July, 2005|

Date: July 2005- February 2006


This demonstration project, supported by RCUWM-Tehran and partly funded by ESCAP, is part of the process to establish a range of in-house water savings measures which could be form the basis for a city-wide water efficiency plan for Tehran. It is noted that there are a range of other measures, such as financial incentives and legal/regulatory measures, but due to the limited time frame available, focus under this project is on technical and public awareness measures.

The overall objective was to achieve measurable progress in improving the utilization efficiency of water resources by replicating best practices in water-use […]

Conference: RCUWM-Tehran Planning

2019-09-18T13:59:34+04:3025th February, 2005|

Date: 25- 26 February 2005

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, UNESCO

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Bangladesh, Egypt, Germany, Iran, Oman, Syria, Tajikistan, ALTERRA, CEP, IDB, Sharif University (Iran), TIWA, UNDP, UNESCO, UNHCR

Number of Participants: 37

Number of Female Participants: 3 (8%)


The Planning Conference was held aimed at establishing a project portfolio for future programme and work plan of RCUWM-Tehran. The main objective of holding this conference was to attract funding. This goal will be followed by organizing a Donors Conference which is supposed to be held later.

The participants attended this conference from different research organizations, potential donors from funding agencies, National Governmental and Non- Governmental […]

Trainers Meeting: Integrated Urban Water Resource Management – Project Document for RCUWM

2019-09-18T13:55:08+04:3011th December, 2004|

Date: 11 – 13 December 2004

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: RCUWM-Tehran, UNESCO Tehran Cluster Office, UNESCO New Delhi Regional Office

Participating Countries/ Organizations: India, Iran, Lebanon, Nepal, Sri Lanka, UNESCO Office in New Delhi, UNESCO Tehran Office and UNESCO Headquarters

Number of Participants: 15

Number of Female Participants: 6 (40%)


-Urge RCUWM-Tehran to approach relevant ministries of various countries and national focal points (National Committees for IHP) in the region to receive more feedback on the needed topics. Feedbacks should be drawn from Delhi Cluster, Iran Cluster, Almaty Cluster, and countries served by Cairo office;

-Urge UNESCO cluster offices in /Tehran, New Delhi and Almaty in active coordination […]

Workshop: Management of Aquifer Recharge and Water Harvesting in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions of Asia

2019-09-18T13:53:46+04:301st November, 2004|

Date: 27 November – 1 December 2004

Venue: Yazd, Iran

Co-organizers: ICQHS-Yazd, RCUWM-Tehran, UTCO

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Afghanistan, Belgium, China, England, France, Iran, India, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan

Number of Participants: 52

Number of Female Participants: 4 (7%)


  • Recognizing the state of the art with regard to rainwater harvesting and management of aquifer recharge technology
  • Recognizing the role of dissemination and training
  • Emphasizing the regional issues

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