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A webinar to discuss 2021 World Water Day Report (Valuing Water)

2022-09-21T12:37:12+04:3029th May, 2021|

The webinar on World Water Day Report Discussion, Valuing Water, was held virtually via Microsoft Teams on 1 June 2021, with participation of around 200 water experts.

This webinar was organized by RCUWM in close cooperation with UNESCO Tehran Cluster Office.

Please download world water day 2021 executive summary and facts and figures report, and the lecturers’ presentations through the  following buttons:

World Water Day 2021- Executive Summary Report World Water Day 2021- Facts & Figures Report 1.Valuing Water Infrastructure (Mr. Hajrasouliha) 2.Valuing Water Services (Mr. Kashfi) 3.Valuing Water in Socio- Economic Activity (Mr. Shahnian) 4.Valuing Water Resources (Mr. […]

Regional Training Workshop on “Advances in Remote Sensing Application in Water Resources Management”

2022-09-21T12:38:16+04:3017th February, 2020|

Participating Countries /Organizations:60 experts from 13 countries

Number of Participants: 60

Number of Female Participants: 22

Main Objectives

The main objectives of this regional training workshop have been to:
• introduce recent developments in remote sensing information and satellite-based products (e.g. precipitation and soil moisture) as well as their applications,
• promote the exchange of experience and knowledge among participants and,
• discuss development and application of Decision Support System (DSS) using remote sensing information.

E-Learning Videos

E-Learning Videos: Catchment Delineation in QGIS_Part 1

E-Learning Videos: Catchment Delineation in QGIS_Part 2

E-Learning Videos: Catchment […]

8th Asian G-WADI & 2nd IDI Expert Group Meetings

2019-09-16T13:37:35+04:3016th January, 2019|Tags: , , , |

Participating Countries /Organizations: 20 experts from 12 countries,

Number of Participants: 200 ,

Number of Female Participants: 86

Main Objectives

8th Asian G-WADI Meeting Objectives:

  • Increase regional cooperation for sustainable development of arid and semi-arid zones
  • Sharing national/regional experiences in groundwater management and finding solutions for sustainable groundwater harvest/extraction;
  • Providing information on current UNESCO-IHP programmes in relation to groundwater management and water management in arid zones (G-WADI);
  • Networking among the groundwater institutions and specialists with regional water policy making authorities;
  • Sharing knowledge on adaptation to water scarcity; strategies and approaches.

2nd IDI Expert Group Meeting Objectives:

  • To develop synergies between the two programs of UNESCO, namely International Drought Initiative (IDI) and UNESCO […]

Training Workshop: Water Sensitive Urban Design, Design and Implementation Criteria

2019-09-21T12:55:07+04:3014th November, 2018|

Training Workshop: Water Sensitive Urban Design, Design and Implementation Criteria

Date: 14 November 2018

Venue: Isfahan, Iran

Organizers: Iran water and wastewater association (IWWA), Isfahan University of Technology, Water & Waste Water Company of Isfahan Province, Water and Wastewater Company of Iran

Number of Participants: 25

Number of Female Participants: 12

Water Scarcity is known as the condition when water demand exceeds water supply in a region. Increasing competition over water resources in human settlements particularly in urban areas, has not only risen conflicts amongst water consumers, but also made a huge impact on different aspects of urban natural characteristics, water table reduction […]

Hydropower Plants Finance Package

2019-09-18T09:04:27+04:301st August, 2018|

Date: August 2018 – On-going


The Regional Centre on Urban Water Management (RCUWM-Tehran) in close cooperation with the Hydropower Plant Centre of Iran Water Resources Management Company is preparing a finance package for the potential hydropower plants which are ready to be financed or to receive foreign investments in the form of different investment models.

This package is being prepared with the aim of presenting brief and right to the point information to foreign companies willing to invest in different hydropower plants in Iran. Each page provides detail information on the potential hydropower plants including the name of the dam, mean and annual discharge, […]

Training the Manual: Promotion of International Activities in the Water and Waste Water Sector

2019-09-18T08:58:19+04:3029th July, 2018|

Date: July-August 2018

Venue: Niroo Research Institute – Tehran, Iran

Organizer: RCUWM-Tehran

Participating Countries/ Organizations: Iran, Regional Water Authorities

Number of Participants: 185

Number of Female Participants: 19 (10%)


  • Promoting the participants’ knowledge on international interactions
  • Establishing effective communication with international entities and active participation in regional and international events

Integrated Water Resources Management

2019-09-18T09:07:53+04:301st July, 2018|

Date: 1 – 3 July 2018

Venue: Tehran, Iran

Co-organizers: Iran Water Resources Management Company, RCUWM-Tehran

Participating Countries/Organizations: European Union representatives from Europe and local authorities from Iran

Number of Participants: 335

Number of Female Participants: 112 (33%)


  • Water Governance
  • Water Allocation
  • Water Economy

The twenty third session of the Intergovernmental Council of the International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO

2019-09-17T16:03:44+04:3011th June, 2018|

Date: 11-15 June 2018

Venue: Paris, France

Organizer: UNESCO- IHP

Participating Countries and Organizations: UNESCO elected by the General Conference of UNESCO

Number of Participations: 36

Number of Female Participations: 12 (34%)


  • Elect the incoming Chairperson and the Vice-Chairpersons;
  • Examine the institutional developments at the Natural Science Sector and the Division of Water Sciences following the 200th, 201st, 202nd, two hundred and third and two hundred and forth sessions of the Executive Board and the 39th session of the General Conference, as well as the governance of IHP
  • Review the progress on the implementation of the eighth phase of IHP (IHP-VIII), including regional perspectives on IHP […]

Meeting: The Fifth governing board of International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC)

2019-09-21T14:36:52+04:3030th May, 2018|

Date: 30 May 2018

Venue: Koblenz, Germany

Organizer: ICWRGC

Participating Countries and Organizations: ICWRGC, RCUWM-Tehran, ICWC– Sweden, ERCE– Poland and ICIWaRM

Number of Participations: 20

Number of Female Participations: 4 (20%)


First Meeting of UNESCO’s IHP-VIII Theme 4 Category II Centres and Chairs

2019-09-21T14:29:51+04:3024th May, 2018|

Date: 24-25 May 2018

Venue: Paris, France

Organizer: UNESCO-IHP

Participating Countries/Organizations: France, Iran, Japan

Number of Participants: 20

Number of Female Participants: 3 (15%)


Co-development and co-production towards achieving the IHP-VIII strategy

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