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fifth day of the educational program “Integrated Watershed Management under Climate Change Conditions”

2024-11-22T12:14:31+03:3022nd November, 2024|

Today, Friday, December 2, starting at 4:30 AM, training on the important topic of “Principles and Fundamentals of Rainfall-Runoff-Flood Modeling” commenced on the fifth day of the educational program “Integrated Watershed Management under Climate Change Conditions”. In this regard, a proposed model was presented in an exercise, and rainfall-runoff-flood modeling was implemented, with results extracted at the level of a watershed in the country. The Regional Center on Urban Water Management has planned to implement all the topics discussed in this course and other experiences related to “Integrated Watershed Management,” through a training […]

Publication: “Planning for Safe Wastewater Treatment:

2024-10-07T13:19:25+03:307th October, 2024|

The book “Planning for Safe Wastewater Treatment” has been translated and published by the Regional Centre on Urban Water Management. This essential resource addresses the challenges and management risks associated with wastewater treatment, emphasizing the importance of implementing safety measures throughout the wastewater management chain, including collection, treatment, and reuse. With the increasing need for effective public health strategies, this guide outlines a risk-based approach that assists policymakers and practitioners in enhancing wastewater safety.

Regional Training Workshop on Wastewater Reuse within a Circular Economy Context January 22-23, 2025, Tehran, Iran

2024-09-10T10:13:08+03:3010th September, 2024|

Regional Training Workshop on

Wastewater Reuse within a Circular Economy Context

January 22-23, 2025, Tehran, Iran

  1. Introduction

The Circular Economy is a model focused on the optimal use of resources, waste reduction, and material recycling, aiming to keep products and materials within the production and consumption cycle for as long as possible. Given the limitations of water resources, wastewater reuse has also gained significant importance as an element of the circular economy. With increasing pressure on freshwater resources and the consequences of climate change, the role of wastewater reuse in reducing the vulnerability of freshwater supply and treatment systems, enhancing community resilience to […]

Virtual Field Trip to Support Active Learning in Water Management

2022-09-21T12:50:32+04:306th December, 2021|

Urbanization has impressively evolved over the past two centuries. Taking into account that, more than 50 percent of the world’s population live in cities as well as its growing trend, urbanization has become a global phenomenon. Although the high density of urban population has benefits such as reducing the cost of providing services, development of human settlements around the river banks cause changes in the quantity and degradation of the water resources quality and has negative consequences on the rivers.

In line with sustainable urban river management, the Regional Centre on Urban Water Management (RCUWM) has held a virtual field trip from […]

Series of Workshops on “Essential Quality Assured Data and Information for Integrated Urban Water Management”

2022-09-21T12:53:28+04:3023rd November, 2021|

The International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change (ICWRGC) and the Regional Centre on Urban Water Management (RCUWM) are planning to organize a series of workshops (online and in-person) during the period of 2021-2024. The main objective of these workshops is improving urban water management in Western and Central Asia by discussing important roles of quality assured data and information at basin level.

Objectives and Motivation
An important motivation is the creation of regional network of entities and experts who are managing water-related data from interested RCUWM Governing Board Member States (Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Germany, India, Iran, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, […]

Sahar Internship report

2019-10-08T15:40:47+03:3026th October, 2018|

Activities included:

  • Delivering a presentation on applying the Blue Green concept in urban development in Water and City Conference, Yazd
  • Preparing a general Terms of Reference for applying Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) to urban development (retrofitted or new)
  • Contributing to interview questions for Taleghan City on fringe rights and usage, environmental and water quality issues
  • Writing the introduction of the UNESCO book Advances in urban water management in arid and semi-arid regions, which summarises chapters on water management submitted by academics from around the world.
    • Provided feedback and comments on each chapter
  • Preparing a presentation on WSUD […]

Regional Workshop and Roundtable Discussion: Exploring Different Approaches aimed at Overcoming Environmental Sustainability Challenges

2019-09-04T01:58:47+04:3029th August, 2018|

Regional Workshop and Roundtable Discussion: Exploring Different Approaches aimed at Overcoming Environmental Sustainability Challenges

Date: 22-25 November 2015

Venue: Tehran and Isfahan, Iran

Co-organizers: ICRC, MoE, DoE

Participating Countries/Organizations: Afghanistan, Iraq, Switzerland, Syria, UK

Number of Participants: 40

Number of Female Participants: 7 (18%)


Discussions focused on creating a better understanding of the root causes of the water crisis in the region, to determine the relationship between environmental sustainability and occurring emergency conditions.

Political considerations on the basis of existing procedures in order to overcome the challenges of environmental sustainability

Practical measures […]

Urban Water Economy, Application of Economic Theories and Policies in The Water and Sewage Sector

2019-09-04T02:14:38+04:3011th August, 2018|

Date: to be published by 2019

Brief Description:

This book aims at introducing theoretical background of water economics and discusses practical schemes and best practices to optimize water tariff and also economic consideration of water allocation as a limited resource to fulfill competing demand. There is also some explanation on advances in water economics.

Development of a Grid-Based Precipitation Dataset for West Asia to Feed Climate Change Studies

2019-09-04T02:15:42+04:308th August, 2018|

Date: July 2016- Ongoing

Description: Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artifical Neural Networks (PERSIANN) is one of the popular satellite-based precipitation estimations which has three products in different spatio- temporal resolutions. In majority of cases, these data are used in policy making and therefore the users normally don’t have necessary technical capacity to work with these special file formats. Thus, a user-friendly precipitation database will be a great asset   in monitoring long-term climate patterns, particularly in studying the climate change patterns in arid and semi-arid areas of West Asia (including: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan) which […]

7th World Water Forum

2019-09-04T02:16:53+04:3028th July, 2018|

The six-day forum organized by the World Water Council and Korean national committee was the largest ever with about 41,000 people from 168 countries and 400 seminars, discussion sessions and exhibitions in Daegu and Gyeongju, North Gyeongsang.

“Pledges made during the 7th Forum will be carried to New York as a major contribution to the adoption of a Sustainable Development Goal on water,” said Benedito Braga, chairman of the World Water Council, at the closing ceremony. “A clear commitment has emerged from this week to carry forward an agenda for action that […]

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